Nov 14, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops:Points Adder(XBOX 360)

Hello. I present to you the first release of the Call of Duty Black Ops:Points Adder(XBOX 360) . This blog was created for informational purposes only and will tell you how to download this tool and how to use them.

1.Download this Keygen absolutely free by clicking DOWNLOAD HERE
2. When you download open the tool 

Then type your gamer tag in "Enter your XBL username".
Secondly select amount of Experience and COD points you want to add to your account(up to 50K!)
Now press "Add Points and Exp now " and  wait couple seconds for connecting to Treyarch Servers.
Thats all,weapons will be at your service right now!

Notice:This tool will connect to your account I won’t hack them!

3.Buy as many weapons as you want!
(Also available for other platforms check the main site!)